Friday, July 20, 2018

Begin Again Finnegen

Begin Again Finnegen   
Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

I have been away for a while but in that while I got rid of 60 icky pounds of fat.  That happened recently (just this year) but it happened!  This gives me the motivation I needed to get back to a healthier lifestyle.
Any one who wants to join me in this weight loss journey is more then welcome. 

I was so floored when I had to go down a couple sizes in clothes.  It feels better getting dressed and I even have some clothes that I like now instead of just whatever fits me.

What caught me by surprise were the things I can do again.  Even though i have only lost 60 lb and have a way to go certain things are easier.  Life is more comfortable and it's easier to get off the floor

I went from 294 to 234 and i am pleased..

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